[ Station Information | Data Links | Datum Information | Ground Elevation/Vegetation | Other Information ]
Station Information | |
EDEN Station Name: | G338_T |
Operating Agency: | SFWMD |
Latitude (DMS) NAD83: | 26°28'12.15" |
Longitude (DMS) NAD83: | -80°26'43.26" |
UTM Easting Zone 17N (meters NAD83): | 555285.8 |
UTM Northing Zone 17N (meters NAD83): | 2927858.9 |
Location Area: | Water Conservation Area 1 |
Real-time data (daily): | Yes |
Data Links |
(Note: the links below with this icon will take you off of EDENweb.) [Information about these links] |
Available parameters: (from EVE website)
Other Database Links(Data on SFWMD DBHYDRO is in NGVD29) |
Datum Information | |
Vertical Datum for Water Level Data: | NAVD88 |
Vertical Conversion at Gage (ft) used by EDEN (NGVD29 to NAVD88): | -1.48 |
Help | |
Why are all gage data not referenced to the same datum? | |
How do I convert data at a gage from one datum to another? | |
How were the vertical conversions at gages determined by EDEN? |
Ground Elevation and Vegetation Information for G338_T | |
[How was this collected?] | |
Major Vegetation Community | |
Vegetation Community: | Canal |
Average Ground Elevation (ft) NAVD88: | N/A |
Maximum Ground Elevation (ft) NAVD88: | N/A |
Minimum Ground Elevation (ft) NAVD88: | N/A |
Number of Measurements: | N/A |
Collecting Agency and Date: | USGS, March 2010 |
Other Information | |
Type of Station (Physical Location): | Marsh |
Type of Station (Freshwater/Tidal): | Freshwater |
Leaflet Map | |
Leaflet Map (showing location of gage G338_T). This map requires enabled JavaScript to view; if you cannot fully access the information on this page, please contact Bryan McCloskey References to non-U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) products do not constitute an endorsement by the DOI. |