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Everglades Depth Estimation Network (EDEN) for Support of Biological and Ecological Assessments
Photo of sawgrass with tree islands in the distance

Meteorologic Data

Rainfall Data

Rainfall data based on Next Generation Radar (NEXRAD) data from the U.S. National Weather Service provides complete spatial coverage of rainfall amounts for the State of Florida. The accuracy of NEXRAD data is enhanced when adjusted using the local rain-gage data. The NEXRAD coverage for the South Florida Water Management District area includes rainfall amounts for 15-minute intervals for the period January 1, 2002 to present for 2 km by 2 km grid resolution. (Please note that EDEN data is on a 400 m by 400 m grid.) The SFWMD receives “near real-time” 15-minute data (NRD) continuously. These NRD are compiled, verified, and quality-assured at the end of each month in the end-of-month (EOM) sets of 15-minute files. The EOM files use 81 additional rain gage data that are not available real-time and a proprietary algorithm based on the Brandes method to adjust radar rainfall values. Download Rainfall data.

Evapotranspiration Data

Evapotranspiration (ET) is a term used to describe the sum of evaporation and plant transpiration from the Earth's land surface to atmosphere. Download Evapotranspiration data.

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Last updated: June 17, 2020 08:09 PM (BJM)