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Everglades Depth Estimation Network (EDEN) for Support of Biological and Ecological Assessments
Photo of a person walking through trees on a trail

EDEN Publications

Adams, T.C., 2024, GARDEN - A flow vector tool for EDEN, version 1.0.0: U.S. Geological Survey software release,

Haider, S.M., McCloskey, B., and Telis, P.A., 2024, Ground-surface elevation, vegetation, and land type within approximately 10 and 400 meters of 176 water-level gaging stations in the Greater Everglades, Florida 2005-10: U.S. Geological Survey data release,

Swain, E., and Adams, T., 2024, Representation of surface-water flows using Gradient-Related Discharge in an Everglades Network: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2024–5041, 19 p.,

Haider, S., McCloskey, B., 2020, EDEN: Everglades Depth Estimation Network Water Level And Depth Surfaces, U.S. Geological Survey software release,

Haider, Saira, Swain, Eric, Beerens, James, Petkewich, Matthew D., McCloskey, Bryan, and Henkel, Heather, 2020, The Everglades Depth Estimation Network (EDEN) Surface-Water Interpolation Model, Version 3: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2020-5083, 31 p.,

Patino, Eduardo, Conrads, Paul, Swain, Eric, and Beerens, James, 2018, Everglades Depth Estimation Network (EDEN) - A decade of serving hydrologic information to scientists and resource managers (ver. 1.1, January 2018): U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2017–3069, 6 p.,

Petkewich, M.D., Daamen, R.C., Roehl, E.A., and Conrads, P.A., 2016, Using inferential sensors for quality control of Everglades Depth Estimation Network water-level data: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2016-5094, 25 p.,

Petkewich, M.D., Daamen, R.C., Roehl, E.A., and Conrads, P.A., 2016, User's manual for the Automated Data Assurance and Management application developed for quality control of Everglades Depth Estimation Network waterlevel data: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2016-1116, 28 p.,

Telis, P.A., Xie, Zhixiao, Liu, Zhongwei, Li, Yingru, and Conrads, P.A., 2015, The Everglades Depth Estimation Network (EDEN) Surface-Water Model, Version 2: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2014-5209, 42 p.,

Conrads, P.A.; Petkewich, M.D., O'Reilly, A.M., and Telis, P.A., 2014, Hydrologic record extension of water-level data in the Everglades Depth Estimation Network (EDEN), 1991-99: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2014-5226, 27 p.,

Petkewich, Matthew D., and Conrads, Paul A. 2013, Estimation of Missing Water-Level Data for the Everglades Depth Estimation Network (EDEN), 2013 Update: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2013-1251, 53 p.

Conrads, Paul A. and Benedict, Stephen T., 2012, Analysis of changes in water-level dynamics at selected sites in the Florida Everglades: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2012-5286, 36 p.,

Jones, John W., Desmond, Gregory B., Henkle, Charles, and Glover, Robert, 2012, An approach to regional wetland digital elevation model development using a differential global positioning system and a custom-built helicopter-based surveying system. International Journal of Remote Sensing, Volume 33, Issue 2, p. 450-465.,

Xie, Z., Liu, Z., Jones, J.W., Higer, A.L., and Telis, P.A., 2011, Landscape unit based digital elevation model development for the freshwater wetlands within the Arthur C. Marshall Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge, Southeastern Florida: Applied Geography Volume 31, Issue 2, p. 401-412.,

Daamen, Ruby C., Roehl, Jr., Edwin, and Conrads, Paul A., 2010, Development of Inferential Sensors for Real-time Quality Control of Water-level Data for the Everglades Depth Estimation Network: Proceedings of the 2010 South Carolina Water Resources Conference, held October 13-14, 2010, at the Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center, 4 p.,

Conrads, Paul A. and Petkewich, Matthew D., 2009, Estimation of Missing Water-Level Data for the Everglades Depth Estimation Network (EDEN): U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2009-1120, 53 p.,

Liu, Z., Volin, J., Owen, D., Pearlstine, L., Allen, J., Mazzotti, F., and Higer, A., 2009, Validation and ecosystem applications of the EDEN water-surface model for the Florida Everglades: Ecohydrology Volume 2, Issue 2, p. 182-194.

Telis, P.A., and Henkel, Heather, 2009, Everglades Depth Estimation Network (EDEN) Applications: Tools to View, Extract, Plot, and Manipulate EDEN Data: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2009-3052, 4 p.,

Palaseanu, M., Pearlstine, L., 2008, Estimation of water surface elevations for the Everglades, Florida, Computers and Geosciences, p. 815-826,

Volin, J., Liu, Z., Higer, A., Mazzotti, F., Owen, D., Allen, J., and Pearlstine, L., 2008, Validation of a Spatially Continuous EDEN Water-Surface Model for the Everglades, Florida, Department of Natural Resources Management and Engineering, University of Connecticut, 55 p.,

Conrads, Paul A. and Roehl, Jr., Edwin A., 2007, Hydrologic Record Extension of Water-Level Data in the Everglades Depth Estimation Network (EDEN) using Artificial Neural Network Models, 2000-2006: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2007-1350, 56 p.,

Jones, John W. and Price, Susan D., 2007, Conceptual design of the Everglades Depth Estimation Network (EDEN) Grid U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2007-1200, 20 p.,

Jones, John W. and Price, Susan D., 2007, Initial Everglades Depth Estimation Network (EDEN) digital elevation model research and development: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2007-1034, 29 p.,

Pearlstine, L., Higer, A., Palaseanu, M., Fujisaki, I., and Mazzotti, F., 2007, Spatially Continuous Interpolation of Water Stage and Water Depths Using the Everglades Depth Estimation Network (EDEN): Gainesville, FL, Institute of Food and Agriculture, University of Florida, CIR 1521, 18 p., 2 appendicies,

Telis, Pamela A., 2006, The Everglades Depth Estimation Network (EDEN) for Support of Ecological and Biological Assessments: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2006-3087, 4 p.,

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Last updated: October 03, 2024 04:44 PM (BJM)