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Everglades Depth Estimation Network (EDEN) for Support of Biological and Ecological Assessments
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Ground Elevation Model – Release Log

Date Release Comments
January 2007


EDEN DEM produced at a resolution of 60m by 60m to facilitate satellite-based research

November 2007


EDEN DEM has been resampled to 400m by 400m to match the resolution of the input HAED data and the EDEN applications for which it was developed

November 2007


EDEN DEM produced at centimeter resolution for use with the EDENapps Tools. (The previous versions were at meter resolution.)

January 2010


EDEN DEM (meter units), gridded at 400m by 400m, updated:

  • the krigging algorithm applied to newly modeled subareas was changed from ordinary to universal krigging - resulting in slightly lower errors during cross-validation and accuracy assessment.

  • a previously omitted area in the northwestern corner of the Everglades National Park (ENP) and southern Big Cypress National Preserve (BCNP) has been filled.

  • to increase accuracy in WCA1, the most challenging EDEN subarea from an elevation modeling standpoint, the Conservation area is subdivided into 4 zones (Northern, Central, Southwest and Southeast).

The previous DEM has been archived.

January 2010


New EDEN DEM& (centimeter units) released for use specifically in EDENapps Tools. Changes include:

  • elevation values have been converted from meters (m) to centimeters (cm)

  • data has been removed from the southern Big Cypress National Preserve and northwestern Everglades National Park area so that this DEM boundary matches the boundary or domain of the EDEN surface-water model still in use in EDEN applications software.

October 2011


Updated January 2010 version of EDENapps DEM (centimeter units) released. Area of southern Big Cypress National Preserve and northwestern Everglades National Park filled in so that DEM now matchs the version 2 (V2) water surface model in that area.

The previous DEM has been archived.

Technical support for this Web site is provided by the U.S. Geological Survey
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Last updated: June 17, 2020 08:09 PM (BJM)