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Everglades Depth Estimation Network (EDEN) for Support of Biological and Ecological Assessments
Photo of tree islands


Important Information

The TransectPlotter has been modified to run on 64-bit machines. Please see installation instructions below for more information.

The "stations.txt" file (needed to run the TransectPlotter) has also be updated to include to include the current (2013) version of EDEN gages. The new file has been zipped up with both the 32-bit and 64-bit programs.

screenshot of EDEN transect utility

EDEN TransectPlotter is a program for plotting daily water level surfaces and ground elevation profiles for user-specified transects across the Everglades. The water surface can be animated over a user-specified time period and the water surface slope is calculated and displayed along the transect for user-specified distances.

Location of nearby water level gaging stations can be indicated on the transect plot. The location of the gage in meters perpendicular to the transect line provides users with information about data that may have been used in development of the transect plot. The daily median output files must be reviewed to determine if gage data were available for the period of interest.

Additionally, user-provided observations of water level and water depth can be plotted on the transect for comparison with the EDEN water surface. The user-specified distance perpendicular to the transect identifies a selection criteria for observations that are plotted on the transect plot.

All water level and ground elevation data are output in units of North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88).


You will need the following files:

Required for execution of the program:

(Note: if you previously installed other EDENapp tools, then you may have some or all of these items already installed)

  1. EDENTransect Plotter.exe (.zip, 106-237 KB, currently at v. 1.2)
  2. List of EDEN stations and locations (updated September 10, 2013)
    • Used to incorporate nearby gage locations on the transect plot
    • Filename must be stations.txt
    • Must be copied to folder containing the TransectPlotter.exe file
    • Included as part of the file download
  3. netCDF dlls (.zip, 176 KB)
    1. For 32-bit systems: extract all the files in and copy them to C:\Windows\System32\
    2. For 64-bit systems: extract all the files in and copy them to C:\Windows\SysWOW64\
  4. Microsoft .Net version 2.0 (download from Microsoft's website)
    • Note: this may already be installed on your machine. Go to: Start > Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs. If Microsoft .Net Framework is installed, it will appear in this list

Required User Input Files:

  1. EDEN DEM file for ground elevation (updated January 2010)
    • Must be in netCDF file format (.nc)
    • Please note: The released January 2010 data was modified in two ways:
      • First, elevation values have been converted from meters (m) to centimeters (cm)
      • Second, data has been removed from the southern Big Cypress National Preserve and northwestern Everglades National Park area so that this DEM boundary matches the boundary or domain of the EDEN surface-water model still in use in EDEN applications software. This is the area noted in yellow in the right-hand map below.
    • Metadata is also available for this DEM and has been included in the EDEN DEM zip file.
  2. EDEN daily water level surfaces (must be in NetCDF file format (.nc))
  3. Transect points file (see User's Guide below for more information)

User's Guide (pdf, 545 KB - updated September 10, 2013)


  • EDEN TransectPlotter can only run on a Windows machine
  • The netCDF dll is required to use EDENapps. Extract all the files in and copy them to the appropriate location, depending up whether or not you have a 32- or 64-bit system.
We're looking for feedback! Please contact us.

The EDENapps are no longer available on CERPZone. Java-based versions of EDENapps are downloadable at:

Technical support for this Web site is provided by the U.S. Geological Survey
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Comments and suggestions? Contact: EDEN Data Help
Last updated: June 17, 2020 08:09 PM (BJM)