Hydrology Data

Station location maps

(Please see Sites List for complete listing of sites.)

map of south Florida showing areas of extentCoastal GradientsCoastal GradientsCoastal GradientsPink ShrimpPink ShrimpFlorida BayFlorida BayLake IngrahamSouthwest CoastCoastal GradientsCoastal GradientsSouthwest CoastSouthwest CoastSouthwest CoastTen Thousand IslandsTen Thousand IslandsCaloosahatchee River

Data for the sites seen below are now being served in a database with data exported as .csv or tab-delimited. Click on a site to go to the "South Florida Hydrology Data database" to download the data for that site.

Coastal Gradients

Location map showing Coastal Gradients sites MO-216 MO-214 Eden 3 Upstream Broad River Upstream Broad River MO-215 MO-199 Bottle Creek at Rookery Branch Bottle Creek at Rookery Branch Harney River Alligator Creek Seven Palm Lake G-3777 G-3764 Upstream Taylor River Joe Bay 2E Manatee Bay Creek

Please note that some gages have been discontinued and therefore are no longer noted on the map. Please see the Sites Listing page for a list of these gages.

Florida Bay

Location map showing Florida Bay sites McCormick Creek Taylor River East Creek East Creek Mud Creek Trout Creek Trout Creek Stillwater Creek West Highway Creek West Highway Creek

Please note that some gages have been discontinued and therefore are no longer noted on the map. Please see the Sites Listing page for a list of these gages.

SW Coast

Location map showing Southwest Coast sitesOnion KeyTurner RiverShark RiverNorth RiverNew RiverLostman's RiverLopez RiverChatham RiverBroad RiverBarron River

Pink Shrimp

Location map showing Pink Shrimp sitesWhale HarborSandy Key ChannelPanhandle CutMiddle GroundsIndian Key ChannelConchie Channel

Caloosahatchee River

Location map showing Caloosahatchee River sitesTelegraph CreekShell PointPunta BlancaPopash CreekOrange RiverMarker 52Hancock CreekBilly's Creek

Ten Thousand Islands

Location map showing Ten Thousand Islands sitesUpstream Little Wood RiverUpstream Fakahatchee RiverUpstream Faka Union RiverPumpkin RiverPort of the IslandsLittle Wood RiverFaka Union RiverFaka Union Boundary MarkerFaka Union below WeirEast RiverDeep CanalBlackwater River

Lake Ingraham

Location map showing Lake Ingraham sites East Side Creek East Cape Canal Extension Homestead Canal Raulerson Brothers Canal

Mangrove Lakes

Location map showing Mangrove Lakes sites Oyster Creek Cuthbert Lake Outlet West Lake Outlet

Please note: Mangrove Lakes stations link to NWIS Web. Follow links to download available data for that station.

Everglades Land-Margin Ecosystem

Location map showing Everglades Land-Margin Ecosystem sites Chatham 3 Chatham 2 Chatham 1 Lostmans 3 Lostmans 4 Lostmans 2 Lostmans 1 Shark 1 Shark 2 Shark 4 Shark 5 Shark 3 Big Sable Creek

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U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey
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Last updated: (KP)